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Economic and Financial Data of Korea

The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund`s Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board(DSBB). For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and statistical standards to which Korea has committed, please click on the link of each data

Date of last update : 19/Jul/2024 updated

Unless otherwise indicated, the data are not seasonally adjusted.

Unless otherwise indicated, the data are final when first released.

Real Sector

Real Sector

Real Sector provides Unit Description, Observations(Period of Latest Data, Latest Data, Previous Data), Links to Country Data

Unit Description Observations Links to
Country Data
Period of
Latest Data
Latest Data Previous Data
National Accounts     BOK
* Gross Domestic Product (current prices)new window Billion won preliminary Q1/24 606,213.9 632,769.8  
* Gross Domestic Product (chained 2015 year prices)new window Billion won advance estimate SA Q1/24 572,951.0 565,597.6  
Production Index 2020=100 May/24 112.4 110.2 KOSIS
Forward-looking indicators      
* Leading composite Index01 2020=100 May/24 115.1 114.9 KOSIS
* Composite Business Sentiment Index02   Jun/24 95.7 92.9 BOK
Employment persons Thousand persons Jun/24 28,907.0 28,915.0 KOSIS
Unemployment rate percent (Seasonally adjusted)16 % of labor force SA Jun/24 2.8 2.8 KOSIS
Wages/Earnings03 2020=100 Apr/24 109.0 113.5 MOEL
Consumer Price Index 2020=100 Jun/24 113.8 114.1 KOSIS
Producer Price Index(PPI) 2020=100 May/24 119.3 119.2 BOK

Fiscal Sector

Fiscal Sector

Fiscal Sector provides Unit Description, Observations(Period of Latest Data, Latest Data, Previous Data), Links to Country Data

Unit Description Observations Links to Country Data
Period of Latest Data Latest Data Previous Data
General Government or Public sector operations(GFS '01)04     MOEF
* Revenue Billion won 2022 842,379 765,461  
* Expenditure Billion won 2022 793,575 726,025  
* Net operating balance Billion won 2022 48,804 39,436  
* Net acquisition of nonfinancial assets Billion won 2022 47,673 45,883  
* Net lending / borrowing Billion won 2022 1,132 -6,447  
Central Government Operations     MOEF
* Revenue Billion won May/24 242,902 200,514  
* Expenditure Billion won May/24 295,059 247,595  
* Balance, Deficit/Surplus05 Billion won May/24 -52,157 -47,082  
* Financingnew window Billion won May/24 52,157 47,082  
Central Government Debt     MOEF
* Total gross outstanding of the central government debt Billion won Q1/24 1,115,470 1,092,515  
* Debt by original maturitynew window Billion won Q1/24 1,115,470 1,092,515  
* Debt by debt instrumentnew window Billion won Q1/24 1,115,470 1,092,515  
* Debt by residencynew window Billion won Q1/24 1,115,470 1,092,515  
* Central Government guaranteed debt06 Billion won Q1/24 10,950 10,460  

Financial Sector

Financial Sector

Financial Sector provides Unit Description, Observations(Period of Latest Data, Latest Data, Previous Data), Links to Country Data

Unit Description Observations Links to Country Data
Period of Latest Data Latest Data Previous Data
Analytical Accounts of the Banking Sector (Monetary Survey)     BOK
* Monetary aggregates(M2, broad, end of month ) Billion won May/24 4,009,360.8 3,971,094.3  
* Domestic claims (End of month) Billion won May/24 4,711,237.8 4,680,561.7  
- public sector07 (End of month) Billion won May/24 -48,701.3 -60,447.0  
- private sector08 (End of month) Billion won May/24 4,759,939.1 4,741,008.7  
* External position(Net foreign assets) Billion won May/24 739,603.9 732,399.4  
- Gross foreign assets Billion won May/24 1,137,635.4 1,139,007.5  
- Gross foreign liabilities Billion won May/24 398,031.5 406,608.1  
Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank     BOK
* Monetary base Billion won Jun/24 284,020.2 277,730.5  
* Domestic claims (End of month) Billion won Jun/24 -18,603.6 -96,537.5  
- public sector07 (End of month) Billion won Jun/24 45,108.4 -186,199.1  
- private sector08 (End of month) Billion won Jun/24 -63,712.0 89,661.6  
* External position (Net foreign assets) Billion won Jun/24 430,055.7 594,711.9  
- Gross foreign assets09 Billion won Jun/24 472,924.9 645,971.8  
- Gross foreign liabilities Billion won Jun/24 42,869.2 51,259.9  
Interest Rates10     BOK
* Bank of Korea Base Rate % per year May/24 3.5 3.5  
* Interest rates on liquidity adjustment loan % per year May/24 4.0 4.0  
* CBs & SBs12 weighted averages of interest rates on time & saving deposits(newly extended) % per year May/24 3.6 3.5  
* CBs & SBs weighted averages of interest rates on loans & discounts13 (newly extended) % per year May/24 4.8 4.8  
* Yields on Treasury bonds14 (period average rates, a maturity of 1 years) % per year May/24 3.4 3.4  
* Yields on Treasury bonds (period average rates, a maturity of 3 years) % per year May/24 3.4 3.4  
* Yields on Treasury bonds (period average rates, a maturity of 10 years) % per year May/24 3.5 3.6  

External Sector

External Sector

External Sector provides Unit Description, Observations(Period of Latest Data, Latest Data, Previous Data), Links to Country Data

Unit Description Observations Links to Country Data
Period of Latest Data Latest Data Previous Data
Balance of Payments (BOP)15     BOK
* Imports of goods and services US$ million May/24 63,512.7 65,934.0  
* Exports of goods and services US$ million May/24 70,978.6 69,381.5  
* Balance of primary income US$ million May/24 1,764.3 -3,370.6  
* Balance of secondary income US$ million May/24 -307.7 -362.1  
* Capital Account US$ million May/24 165.0 40.1  
* Financial Account US$ million May/24 7,583.5 -6,603.1  
- Reserves Assets US$ million May/24 -2,204.7 -5,545.2  
International Reserves (Official Reserve assets) US$ million May/24 412,832.1 413,260.1 BOK
* foreign currency reserves US$ million Mar/24 394,389.0 390,315.3  
* IMF Reserve Position US$ million May/24 4,381.1 4,365.8  
* SDRs US$ million May/24 14,747.0 14,642.9  
* Gold US$ million May/24 4,794.8 4,794.8  
* Other Reserves Assets US$ million Mar/24 2,354.5 2,338.4  
International Reserves and Foreign Currency liquiditynew window US$ million May/24 BOK
Merchandise Trade     KCS
*Total exports (FOB value) US$ million Jun/24 57,064.1 58,041.1  
*Total imports (CIF value) US$ million Jun/24 49,072.8 53,155.6  
International Investment Positionnew window US$ million   BOK
*Assets(A)   Q1/24 2,372,528.9 2,331,725.0  
*Liabilities(B)   Q1/24 1,541,548.1 1,521,434.9  
*Net International Investment Position(A-B)   Q1/24 830,980.8 810,290.1  
Gross External Debtnew window US$ million Q1/24 667,485.3 672,547.5 BOK
(Population Projections for Korea) Thousand persons 2024 51,751.1 51,712.6 KOSIS

Footnotes (n.a - not available / p - preliminary / r - revised )

  • 01The base year is changed from 2010 to 2015. From March 2018 onwards, the data is disseminated according to the new base year.
  • 02The Composite Business Sentiment Index (CBSI) is made up of major business survey indices(BSI), by standardizing the average and standard deviation of figures from January 2003 to December of the previous year. A CBSI above 100 indicates positive business expectations compared to long-term average, while a CBSI below 100 indicates negative expectations.
  • 03From March 2023 onwards, the data is disseminated according to the new base year(2020=100).
  • 04General Government Operations data began to be disseminated in 1997. Flexibility option is being taken for the timeliness of the General Government Operations category. With regard to General Government Operations, the data through 2011 had been compiled based on 1986 GFS while 2001 GFS has been adopted from 2012.
  • 05The data means the balance including social security funds. The balance of the latest observation(May, 2024) excluding social security funds is -74,412 billion won.
  • 06Not included in the Central Government Debt.
  • 07 "Domestic claims on the public sector " covers claims on central government, local government and social security organizations.
  • 08 "Domestic claims on the private sector " covers claims on domestic economy other than the public sector and depository corporations.
  • 09It is impossible to break down the provisional statistics of the foreign sector into sub-items such as foreign assets or foreign liabilities, because they are estimated in terms of the increase or decrease in net foreign assets on the basis of bank foreign exchange receipts and payments statistics. But we can provide the final statistics of foreign sector into sub-items such as foreign assets or foreign liabilities.
  • 10Daily data are disseminated on the Bank of Korea`s website.
  • 11Data are monthly weighted average rates by trading volume.
  • 12Commercial Banks amp; Specialized Banks (Excludes domestic branches of foreign banks).
  • 13Interest rates are weighted averages on amounts of loans with banking funds (excludes overdrafts and revolving loans <minus loans>).
  • 14There are no short-term government bonds issued in Korea.
  • 15The results of the implementation of the Balance of Payments Manual Sixth Edition (BPM6). Positive figures in financial account represent increases in assets/liabilities, and negative figures represent decreases.
  • 16Note that seasonal adjustment data has been changed since June 1999 as the seasonal adjustment factor was rewritten by adding the series for 2016.
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